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Autumn in Seoul

“It’s more shining than summer, seeing these colorizing leaves :)”

This picture is what I took while I’m waking around my house. I love to walk around especially after complete hard work to refresh myself while seeing this lovely leafs. Now it changes really fast, I’m impressed by their changes. You know I’m very impressed by their changes. After changes, it’s time for them to fallen. For me It’s quite similar with us, I feel like It’s also my time to change and put down some of what I have to upgrade myself, like when they recreate their flowers in spring.

“Keum Mok Seo” 금목서

Anyway I also took this tree picture. This is called “Keum Mok Seo” 금목서, It’s one of my mom’s favorite tree. Specially for the scent with this golden lovely colorizing flowers. My mom dream to plant this tree in front of my parents, and I found this trees when we go for autumm picnic. It’s looks beautiful right?

A Calming and Romantic Autumn

It’s Autumn now, almost like quick winds, now Autumm in Korea is getting so short.. KOREAN NEWS explained that the period of Autumm is getting shorter and shorter, so wedding places (Korea pick season of wedding is fall and spring) are all full already. Me and my boyfriend decide to go for picnic even when we both full of working. But it’s really deserves so well 🙂 The leaves are curing our mind and refresh <3

Other season is other story, this sparkling autumn view is very calming to see. It’s quite cold outside but feeling warm inside the heart by seeing this colorizing leafs. I took alot picture of Autumn in Seoul for you our Lyne Bliss <3

Which place you want to visit when you come to South Korea? Do let me know in comment section 🙂 See you in South Korea <3

Here is some short video during Autumn 🙂 There is alot people visiting this place also to enjoy the nature during Autumn. Do you like it? What is your favorite part about Autumn Season? Or do you have any experience or lovely story in Autumn? Share your story via comment section please 🙂 I would like to read it.